Proper Pre/Post care is key for both comfort during your appointment, and the results afterwards! Please follow the below request to ensure that you get the best possible outcome for your brows!

  • Please stop using any skin thinners (Retinol, Retin-A, Vitamin A, Glycolic acids, Alpha Hydroxyl or exfoliants) on the brow area 4 weeks prior to your appointment.

  • Retain-A, Retinol, Vitamin C, Glycolic Acid and/or Alpha Hydroxyl must not be used directly on the brows, even once healed, as they will alter the colour and cause premature exfoliation (fading) of the Brows.

  • No botox, filler, microdermabrasion or any chemical peel or cosmetic facial should be done a minimum of 2 WEEKS prior to your appointment.

  • DO NOT consume CAFFEINE or ALCOHOL 24-48 hours prior to your appoinment.

  • Please do not take any blood thinners (ASPIRIN, IBUPROFEN, FISH OILS/OMEGA-3, ETC.) 3 days before your procedure if possible, this may cause excessive bleeding and may impact your results.

  • You may experience more sensitivity around or during your menstruation cycle.

  • Taylor will not be able to tattoo over any sunburn, blemishes, sores or moles in or around the brow area.