To ensure that you receive the BEST results from your service, your skin must be healthy, strong and non-irritated. Please see the blow PMU contradictions & reach out if you have any questions! A contradiction is a condition, symptom or medical condition that would make the service unadvisable to a client.



  • Had BOTOX or FILLER within the past 2 weeks

  • Diabetes

  • Blood Thinners- **Please reach out & advise Taylor**

  • Undergoing Chemotherapy (consult with your doctor)

  • Viral infections (diseases)

  • Had an organ transplant

  • Epilepsy

  • Hemophilia (High Risk- can’t stop bleeding)

  • Heart Conditions/Pace Maker/ Defibrillator (No exceptions, High Risk.)

  • Bleeding Disorders (increased bleeding prevents colour deposit)

  • Thyroid Condition & Thyroid medication (Hypo, Hyperthyroidism, Graves Disease, Hashimoto’s- results in thicker skin)

  • Auto Immune Disorder such as LUPUS or Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia (MS, RA, Lupus) (Longer healing time, greater risks for infections etc.)

  • Pink eye

  • Recent eye surgery


  • used ACCUTANE or Retin-A within the past 12 months

  • Use of RETINOL or Vitamin A. (Anti-Ageing products work by continually exfoliating the skin. Skin composition is altered and will become irritated and not heal well. Must discontinue 1 month prior to booking, this is the length of cellular rejuvenation for stronger skin to work on. Better comfort & results!)

  • *If you have a SCAR in the treatment area, please reach out to Taylor to discuss and sent pictures prior to booking*

  • Eczema (constant flaking/itching/shedding of skin, skin is irritated.)

  • Shingles (PMU will not be performed as procedure could cause a flare-up)

  • Psoriasis

  • Dermatitis

  • Rosacea (chronic acne-like skin indicated by redness. Skin bleeds easy will not deposit colour.)

  • Hair transplant for eyebrows

  • If you come in with a sunburn on Brow area (skin is currently damaged)

  • Use of Latisse or ANY eyebrow GROWTH SERUMS/CONDITIONER. (Skin will be hyper-sensitive and bleed easily. Must be Discontinued for 2 months prior to the procedure.)

  • Ultra sensitive or thin skin

Please note, if you have had your brows done elsewhere and are looking to book a new appointment with Taylor, you must first contact her with photos of your current brows for an assessment. Taylor currently does not do colour corrections over previous work, however is excited to be offering this service in the near future.

You can contact Taylor through email at or on Instagram via DM @muskokabrowco. Thank you so much!